Feb 14, 2011

Happy valentine 's day

Happy valentine's day,I hope your life is full of love and peace :)

Feb 9, 2011


oh Gucci,Is it me the only person that love their sunglasses!!
I guess no :D
containing a collection that suit any style you wanna,you will find classic ones,casual ones and trendy ones..
But one features they all have :Feminine and chic
And the reason of my love to them..
Enjoy my favourites ^-^

Enjoy the post and tell me what is your favourite ^_^


Feb 5, 2011


My current obessession is blazers,I just love them..
They are so trendy,and the most amazing thing about them that you can wear them everywhere..
Let's see how ^-^

First outfit : You can match your blazer with a maxi dress and wear it to a special occassion..

Second outfit :I just love the neutral colours,This outfit is so femminine ,You can wear it to girl's night out.
Third outfit :This outfit is casual outfit for college

These are some ideas on how to wear a blazer in different ways,If you have another way to wear your blazer..tell me in the comments.
Enjoy ^-^